Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Data Analysis with Microsoft Access 2010: From Simple Queries to Business Intelligence

DATA ANALYSIS WITH MICROSOFT ACCESS 2010 with a focus on issues related to data analysis, data access and information in an analyst giristir.Amac to help a better understanding of reality. Access requests in terms of mechanical design and how it can be used for data analysis and the typical tasks alinmistir. Kitap discussed in detail with new topics introduced in a logical and intuitive, easy to understand style instruction is written. Included some screenshots, so you must sit with a computer, such as reading books degilsiniz.

Yazar also valuable documentation on the use of access and Excel PivotTables, including issues BusinessIntelligence (BI), extends the concept of data analysis to add. Additional features include readers who want to learn SQL, and gives them access to learning toolbars, and toolbars to give much useful information on "stress analysis of "," SQL, see "quantitative. Website of a company is a database of the sample in the book was correlated with the BI. In summary, this book not only needs to obtain a working knowledge of access and how it can be used for data analysis.

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