Friday, 26 December 2014

More critical vulnerabilities in SAP systems


More critical vulnerabilities in SAP systems
7% more Security Notes with respect to 2013, 46% of them critically + SAP HANA, mobile platforms and SAP users targets of attacks in 2015 + SAP security can no longer be hidden for longer - this is the conclusion of the SAP Security Advisories 2014 to 2015 the Onapsis published.

The expert team of Onapsis Research Labs warns in his new Trend Report for SAP security against the growing threat of SAP systems by threats such as Heartbleed, Shellshock, Poodle and Zombie Zero. The analysis shows that 2014 has increased over the previous year, the number of vulnerabilities and exploits that threaten the security of SAP systems. Elaborate threats that target SAP systems with business-critical applications take, even disproportionately strong. A special focus on SAP HANA, mobile threats and directed to such attacks should be for 2015, which have the SAP user directly in his sights.

This year there were 391 SAP Security Notes, of which 46 percent describe vulnerabilities with high priority. The Onapsis Research Labs report that 44 of these weaknesses, and 35 advisories SAP platform and related products concern, which form the basis for CRM and ERP systems such as SAP HANA, Business Objects and SAP Business Suite.

Organizations using SAP Business Objects to track and analyze business performance and reporting. SAP BASIS, however, is limited to the administrative functions and processes within an SAP system, for example, the database, the supporting architecture and user interface.

Complex attacks, which offset the non-SAP security unrest related and affect SAP platforms. Thus, the most critical threats Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160), Shellshock (CVE-2014-6271) Poodle (CVE-2014-3566) and malware like Zombie Zero. The increase in the area of complex attacks continued in 2014 continued. This includes also the frequent appearance of malware that is precisely aligned to SAP systems - can spy about the Win32 / Gamker Trojan that SAPGUI client

Data must be protected in the cloud and on terminals

"The security industry has never been as complex as today. Starting next year, more and more companies are revising their strategies and begin or continue their processes to migrate to the cloud," said Ezequiel Gutesman, Director of Research at Onapsis Research Labs. 2015 exploit vulnerabilities in key platforms such as SAP HANA undoubtedly hackers. SAP HANA is a central element of the SAP ecosystem. Therefore, the data stored in the SAP platform data must be protected both in the cloud and on the access devices of end users. Risk factors such as stored credentials and cached content therefore require special attention. Given the evolution of the threat in the industry, we offer all SAP users regularly Safety and recommend steps to protect their most critical business data in the coming year."

Friday, 12 December 2014

SAP Transportation Management: Savings of up to 12 percent are possible

  • The new cloud version of SAP TM 9.2 provides transportation services and logistics company needs numerous advantages over competitors
  • These include high scalability, reducing the cost and time involved concentrating on the core competencies and guaranteed use of state-of-the-art technology
  • Partnership between SAP, Camelot ITLab and Global Supply Chain Solutions (SCS-G) aims at the establishment of the new cloud solution from SAP Transportation Management Software (TM) from

SAP Transportation Management: Savings of up to 12 percent are possible
The German logistics industry still has considerable potential savings alone through the use of the new SAP Transportation Management Software (TM) as a SaaS (Software as a Service) transport service providers and companies save with logistics needs up to 12 percent of their costs. SAP (, Camelot ITLab ( and Global Supply Chain Solutions as part of their partnership SAP TM as a cloud solution on the market offer, see the main benefits in a significant reduction of the cost and time involved. Focusing on the core competencies allows customers additional efficiency gains.

  According to G-SCS-Steffen Rabus can "all SAP customers 9.2 design their transportation management much more efficiently using the new cloud solution from SAP TM. The SaaS approach SAP TM is much more flexible, a decisive advantage over the competition. "As always, customers pay only for the scalability of the scope of services that they really need. The time involved in installing and configuring software is considerably less. In addition, the customer through the SaaS solution is always on the cutting edge of technology from SAP TM. The acquisition of licenses, as well as providing an expensive infrastructure omitted. In a monthly service fee and a coordinated package of services all costs are included.

Work to establish the new cloud solution from SAP TM software maker SAP, the IT consulting firm Camelot ITLab and transport logistics specialist Global Supply Chain Solutions (SCS-G) are closely related. The aim is loud Rabus, to gain nationally and internationally significant market share in transport management for the new cloud solution. "With version 9.2 SAP TM currently has a very powerful solution that is based on the cloud and HANA database platform," says the G-SCS-manager. As a longtime partner in the TM implementation Camelot ITLab takes on the task of transforming customer-specific business processes in SAP TM processes and to implement the solution in a new or existing SAP environment within the partnership. G-SCS is a 4PL specialist for operations, i.e. for transport management and freight auditing the customers responsibility.

Global Supply Chain Solutions is a leading provider of Freight Bill Audit and Supply Chain Visibility services. Since the beginning of 2013 G-SCS has been one of the largest 4PL (Fourth Party Logistics) services and software portfolio to the market. The service offering that is coordinated through the G-SCS Integrated Control Tower, including transport management, contract management, and supply chain includes analyzes. Through the use of custom-made, modular G-SCS-solutions, customers can reduce their logistics costs continuously and sustainably.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Companies rely on Self-Service Business Intelligence

The world's largest user survey on the use of software for Business Intelligence "The BI Survey" of the Business Application Research Center (BARC) is in this year's edition, that now more than 50 percent of the company to their employees in the department more freedom in the design of reports and analyzes grant. The former interest in Mobile BI can however to always on.

Companies rely on Self-Service Business Intelligence
With "Self-Service Business Intelligence" is gaining a powerful trend in the provision and use of business intelligence (BI) software in importance worldwide. The aim is to make create more than before their own reports and data analysis for cost and time reasons, end users, instead of this as yet to apply for IT support. These freedoms can reach so far that end users can build their own, highly configurable BI applications that link different data sources. "Of all the trends that the" The BI Survey 14 "shows, is currently Self-Service BI (SSBI) with" operational BI "by far the strongest," said Dr. Carsten Bange, CEO and founder of BARC, and Co- author of the world's largest BI study, the results (see chart). Of the more than 3000 respondents BI experts explained 55 percent, currently working on SSBI projects. Another 24 percent plan to begin in the near future.

Rends as 'Collaborative BI' and 'Mobile BI', which received "a lot of attention in the public debate and in the marketing of the provider, are in practice, however, far less of an issue for companies," said Bange. Then use currently only 29 percent of respondents with collaborative approaches to BI and only 18 percent of mobile BI solutions.

Mobile Business Intelligence

Among all BI trends is specially Mobile BI less and less popular. Step "The number of companies with related projects in 2012 to five percent (from 8 to 13 percent) and in the last year by three percent, this year only: So the growth has already slowed in the third consecutive year at Mobile BI still showed an increase of two percentage points." Correspondingly, for the second time, the number of companies like, the plans to introduce mobile BI solutions in the next twelve months. The reasons for this reluctance are to experience the BARC analysts, especially in security concerns, the questions about the added value and the additional investment requires the Mobile BI.

Overall, the interest in mobile solutions increases but to continue, but there is a lack of compelling offerings in the market, for example, links the Mobile BI with the strongest trend "operationalization".

More "Power Users" in the Business Intelligence

Another finding of "The BI Survey 14" is the increase experienced BI users in organizations. So now designated 30 percent of respondents as a "Power User". "So far, the ratio was 80 per cent 'casual users' to 20 percent 'power users'. In the future, we need a much larger group of experienced users in the company go, "said Wayne Eckerson, co-author of" The BI Survey 14, "this development. For this fit the observations that are addressed in the media and in the product announcements of providers often complex issues such as Big Data, Analytics and Data Science.

About The BI Survey

The BI Survey is a global user survey on the use of business intelligence tools. 3244 BI experts took part in the recent "BI Survey 14". The aim is to make the market more transparent and for all players. The focus of the detailed online survey the motives are for the use of business intelligence software, their applications and user satisfaction with the achievements - including the assessment of manufacturers and their support. The BI Survey provides a unique opportunity to compare more than thirty providers based on the practical experience of its customers, including large international companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP, as well as specialists QLIK, SAS Institute, Micro Strategy, Tableau and Tibco.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

SAP redeemed with hope Hana cloud platform only a few million euros

SAP wants to make its database technology Hana standard in the IT industry. An important component in the composite Hana comes through loud an internal paper on the market but not to. Now the software giant is planning drastic discounts to attack the competitors salesforce.

SAP redeemed with hope Hana cloud platform only a few million euros
Hamburg - The software giant SAP has a difficulty, his new database technology Hana to establish themselves in the IT industry. As can be seen from an internal strategy paper of SAP, the company redeemed currently "only one to two million euros in sales per quarter" with his Hana-cloud platform. On this customer and IT specialists, applications that are based on the Hana technology develop, and expand - like this, as do developers for the App Store by Apple for private clients. SAP is planning drastic price reductions.

The weak acceptance of the platform is a setback for the strategy of CEO Bill McDermott and its supervisory board chairman Hasso Plattner, which depends on the product family Hana. The Hana-core product of the company allows it to evaluate data in seconds and analyze. SAP is building around its entire product and sales structure around Hana and cloud offerings.

When Hana cloud platform is not about the distribution of its own Hana-products, but the business partners. To program applications for Hana and feed in the family, similar to the App Store from Apple developers on the platform. The Walldorf Company has resolved its fast database technology Hana to establish a standard in the IT industry. On October 20, SAP reports its financial results for the third quarter.

SAP's Solution should be cheaper

Manager magazine online is the Board paper before with the sobering Hana cloud platform numbers. Development Chef Bernd Leukert and Sales Director Rob Ensslin are responsible for the area. Thus, the software company is pricing model fits to the competitive offer of nearest rivals for its Hana platform in the cloud. An SAP spokesman declined to comment on the subject.

Currently, customers would have to pay to use the service for SAP in the least case $ 5,932 a month, according to the summary. When competitors against only 25 dollars would be due in the best case. "This slows down the adoption of the market," the study concludes. Why would the pricing of SAP "similar adapted from with better terms to similar price points, including a free Home Edition". The aim of the new strategy is to "aggressively pursue the market acceptance (of Hana Cloud platform) and to propose". However, the revenue goals remain modest in the business. By 2020, SAP plans to deliver with his Hana cloud platform around 158 million euros; it is clear from the paper.

Friday, 26 September 2014

SIX Global IT in year one

Since April, the computer science is enhanced when banking service provider SIX and organized in the independent division Global IT with around 800 employees. Global CIO Robert Borntrager on the "Enforcing standards and the pursuit of innovation."

SIX Global IT in year one
Robert Borntrager has currently probably one of the most interesting but also most demanding IT jobs in Switzerland. He is CEO of the newly minted Division Global IT SIX with at least 800 employees. Since early April, the Division, which has been built from the former IT and development departments of the four divisions of the large bank and exchange service operating.

Big restructuring are dangerous and the consequences are often the exodus of top people who work to rule and leaks to the outside. But no one called us and even the long ears of our colleagues from Inside parade ground snapped off-axis sounds. Borntrager attributes this to the collaborative methods in the preparatory work for the launch of Global IT. "At the start there were no major more discussions," said Borntrager talking to He is proud that the turnover rate has remained well below 10 percent.

"Even I myself had to evolve. Because in the company I had the reputation of the operator, who only looks at the costs. Many were then surprised that I am dealing with topics such as agile methods and Scrum." The manager emphasized that the summary of the SIX-computer science no rationalization and no job cuts project was in a Division. "We have said from the beginning:" For every IT staff, there is a point at Global IT. And in 2015 no reduction measures are planned, "so Borntrager but the savers he can not hide:" We are always under cost constraint and must produce cheaper compared to the market divisions of SIX "He also does not deny that the founding of SIX Global IT did not fit all computer science cadres: "Some management people are gone. But it was not much more than a handful”

"Enforce standards consistently" 

Then Borntrager draws a diagram on a piece of paper that everyone knows which deals with business computer science. It's about the ratio of expenses for operation (currently about 50 percent), maintenance (20 percent) and development and innovation (30 percent). Like all CIOs want to increase the share of investment in innovation and reduce those for operation and maintenance also Borntrager. "We want to use more resources for innovation. This also applies to cooperation with external partners, including nearshore and offshore."

To reduce the cost of operation and maintenance of computer science platforms by SIX, which is always possible standardized and automated. There are according Borntrager no single recipe and not a miracle cure for automation: "You just always working hard - and you have to enforce standards tough So we put more than 90 percent Linux as a server operating system and adhere strictly to our. Standards in databases, middleware, storage. New software is developed on a standard such as Java and agile methods. "For developers who saw themselves as creative individuals, it is not easy to accept strict standards, says Borntrager.

Skills shortages and "Generation Gap" 

But the typical employee of SIX Global IT is ever creative? Borntrager wants to know nothing of our prejudices about banks in computer science: "I am convinced that they can not find IT people, who understand more of our business and computer science, but in certain technologies we have gaps and large-scale projects, the resources could scarce. Will. In such cases, we want to work with long-term partners. "

It is currently difficult to find SAP specialist, but he has noted for his company no general shortage of skilled labor, Borntrager answers our question whether SIX could recruit the necessary computer. "We find our people." In addition, the bank service is currently over 30 apprentices in computer science. Born carrier plans to increase this figure: "Our goal is to train 50 computer science apprentices it is a good education and training opportunities in the colleges are sensational...”

The average age of the computer scientists at SIX Global IT lies at about 40 years. While many professionals over 45 percentage have a deeper computer science basic training, but "taught" are, young computer scientists have a master's degree or a diploma and thus often a wider knowledge than their superiors. This can lead to a kind of generational conflict within the organization, told Borntrager.

Mobile Payment, Miniaturization, New materials

With what deals the CEO of SIX Global IT, when it comes to innovation? Borntrager is quickly with answers at hand. The obvious is the issue of "Mobile Payment". Borntrager: "credit card information be stored on a Smartphone per se is not very innovative becomes more interesting when you can use virtual, stored in Internet purses alternative payment options, P2P-wallets to alternative money like Bitcoin are innovative..."

The SIX probably one of the biggest "IT consumers" in Switzerland. So Borntrager busy with the miniaturization in computer science. New technologies and new solutions, such as computational grids will make flexible solutions and large server farms superfluous. "The backend is being revolutionized," Borntrager is convinced. This might increase with the use of new materials yet. For example, with graphs. So you will be able to grab among other more logic on chips that are so much more efficient. "In the development of these new materials, the Switzerland must invest," Borntrager is convinced.

"Graph", "Bitcoin", "P2P-wallets" and “Miniaturization”: cost reduction and standards seem definitely not to be the only issues of concern to the CEO of the computer science division of SIX.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Certified Halo Core 2.1 for SAP NetWeaver from SAP

Certificate "Powered by SAP NetWeaver" for SECUDEs security solution to protect SAP data.

IT security expert has SECUDE for the latest version of Data Protection Software Halo Core obtains the certificate "Powered by SAP NetWeaver" SAP 2.1 of the SE. As SAP partner SECUDE offers its flagship Halo Core for the protection of SAP applications. So enjoy company for their sensitive data locally, in the cloud and on mobile devices, the highest level of security.

Powered by SAP NetWeaver

Certified Halo Core 2.1 for SAP NetWeaver from SAP
The SAP Integration and Certification Center (SAP ICC) has confirmed that Halo SECUDEs Core 2.1 for SAP NetWeaver with SAP NetWeaver 7.31 is integrated via the SAP integration scenario ABAP add-on deployment. Driven with SAP NetWeaver solutions can quickly and easily be integrated with minimal disruption in the SAP environment. The high interoperability with SAP applications, investment costs and risks decrease.

SAP solutions on the highest level of technology

"The fact that Halo Core runs on SAP NetWeaver and interacts with other NetWeaver-based solutions, has an extremely beneficial for our customers," explains Holger Hinz, Managing Director of SECUDE GmbH. "It gives the SAP solutions add value because it helps companies to protect information as their most valuable asset within the SAP system and beyond." Companies that use SAP software are among the best in the industry and expect solutions on the cutting edge of technology.

Protection of documents outside the SAP environment

Halo Core 2.1 for SAP NetWeaver helps companies to protect their sensitive SAP data from unauthorized access and to control how that information is used. The software is integrated in the SAP applications and uses encryption, identity and rights management to secure documents outside the SAP environment.

Because Halo Core defines the protection in the documents themselves, sensitive data can be securely transferred to and from the company. In addition, the software provides comprehensive auditing and reporting functions. Halo Core even adapts to the ever increasing demands of compliance to ensure that bookings comply with the laws and regulations.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

SAP Expects a Significant Impact of New International Accounting Standard

SAP Expects a Significant Impact of New International Accounting Standard
The new international accounting standard for revenue recognition (IFRS 15), who after years of deliberations by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB ) and the U.S. standard setter Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB ) is nearing publication, according to estimates by SAP a significant impact bring to their own industry with it. 

"The consequences for the software industry are essential", the designated Chief Financial Officer Luka Mucic says in the interview, the stock market newspaper. The existing provisions of U.S. GAAP, which are also observed by Software Company outside the United States for better comparability with U.S. competitors in many cases, would have been given a very narrow and sometimes extremely conservative corset. The new standard is much less conservative. "This means that software companies must not only implement the new rules, but also determine how they want to deal with the new flexibility.”

Other industries, particularly if they offer various goods and services under a single contract, will, according to experts from the be affected by the new standard. SAP, which is often sold with their software and maintenance services, had been involved from the beginning in the development of the new standards, the acting CFO Werner Brandt also says in the interview, the stock market newspaper. The new standard will lead to significant changes in the revenue recognition of the Dax Group. "We are already for some time in analyzing these changes and this analysis will now conclude on the basis of the final version.” The 60 -year-old Brandt, who stands at the head of the financial department of SAP since 2001, the end of June adopted in retirement. For him, takes over the 18-year younger Luka Mucic, who will be in a DAX-listed companies from 1 July of the current youngest CFO.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Looking for SAP Consultants, Especially in Southern Germany

Looking for SAP consultants, especially in Southern Germany
Well-trained SAP professionals expect bright prospects, as the demand for consultants and application specialists for enterprise software from SAP has increased by about 30 percent last year. 

This is the result of an analysis of the German job market by training specialists WBS Training AG. Accordingly, in January 2014, 15,600 jobs for SAP professionals were advertised in the same period last year there were only about 12,000. In January 2014 there were 11,347 jobs with around 27 per cent more jobs that called SAP user skills. The demand for SAP consultants even rose by 39 percent, from 3,062 to 4,255 vacancies in January 2014. The entire job market in Germany is, however, increased in that period by only about 1.5 percent. The results are based on an analysis of 185 job markets on the Internet, in newspapers and journals.

Joachim Giese, Executive Vice President of the WBS Training AG: "As a certified training providers and training partner of SAP Germany AG & Co. KG has surprised us this surge in demand a bit. But it coincides with the rising demand for our respective training opportunities that we could observe in recent months. Our study shows that a qualification in products, solutions and services from SAP provides very good job and career prospects."

Increasing Demand for SAP users almost all departments

A total of 11,347 points for SAP users nationwide were announced in January. Were sought primarily specialists in the departments of finance, sales, production planning and control and inventory management and logistics. For almost all applications, a significant increase of jobs could be determined. For example, the increase in job offers for SAP users was in sales at over 50 percent. In the retail sector were counted than in the previous month in January 2014, almost three times as many offers.

SAP consultants wanted - Large increase in the human resources

A total of 4,255 posts were advertised in January 2014 for SAP consultants, the increase over the same month last year here was nearly 40 percent. In all areas where SAP consultants work more jobs than in January 2013 could be counted in January 2014. Particularly strong increase was carried out by consultants in the areas of Human Resources (40 %) and controlling (about 27 %). However, since SAP consultants often work freelance, the number of vacancies shows only a portion of the actual situation on the job market.

Large differences in regional demand: Nearly 60 percent of all jobs in South Germany

Both consultants and application specialists are mainly looking for the south of Germany. In the states of Baden -Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, Rhineland -Palatinate and Saarland, nearly 60 percent of jobs were advertised. Only about ten percent of the sites were, however, offered in the eastern states. These significant differences are thereby only partly due to the fact that the company SAP is headquartered in Walldorf, Baden-Württemberg. This region is strongly influenced by the industry, so there is here a very wide demand. Applicants with SAP knowledge but have nationwide good chances to find a job, because the demand has increased significantly in the other regions.

Friday, 9 May 2014

SAP HANA now available on VMware vSphere 5.5

Users of VMware vSphere can now use SAP HANA within this virtualization solution. Also new HANA instances should be possible to provision ' faster this way. Per vSphere instance memory and 32 cores supports up to 1 TB.
VMware and SAP HANA Platform to publish VMware vSphere 5.5 and roll the new version out now at users. vSphere is an important parts of the virtualization solution vCloud their IT environment to better utilization of the company. With the certification for HANA on VMware vSphere users now have even more flexibility.
SAP HANA now available on VMware vSphere 5.5

HANA can now be used on VMware 
vSphere in virtualized environments.
vSphere is now available for SAP HANA appliances or on HANA data center solutions on certified hardware for Linux and Windows. Users can use up to 1 TB of storage and 32 physical and 64 virtual processing cores per vSphere instance. As a systems management HANA supported on vSphere vMotion, Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) and VMware High Availability (HA).

"Together with VMware, we can now allow users to make business-critical applications running in virtualized environments, and thus we can to switch to software - defined data centers and of course speed up to the cloud," said the newly appointed SAP Co-CEO Bernd Leukert.

Pat Gelsinger, chief executive officer, VMware, commented: "Our users build their IT infrastructure from a physical environment to software - defined architecture to. Are you looking for a solution, the agility, availability, flexibility, efficiency and control for the most important and most demanding enterprise environments guaranteed? "

In addition, the two companies will continue to cooperate and allow more capabilities of SAP HANA in virtualized environments from VMware. As concrete Bob Gold of Bob Gold Sand, Staff Partner Architect, Global Strategic Alliances at VMware in a blog, this certification is the result of three years of joint tests. The test team has put special value that really occur any error in the operation.

One of the first pilot customers, Mercedes -AMG. “Mercedes -AMG is now SAP HANA and VMware vSphere 5.5 with a 1 TB storage configuration to accelerate the transition to software-defined data center," said Reinhard Breyer, CIO at Mercedes -AMG. Reinhard could simplify by virtualizing with VMware running in the data center.

Monday, 5 May 2014

How to get display access to full SPRO?

Do you want to know how to create new security role which will provide dispaly access to full SPRO? Here you can get the solution.

How to get display access to full SPRO?

  • Create new project based on the functional configuration.
  • Create a role
  • Go to Utilities
  • Customizing auth.
  • Select the project to create a role.
  • configure the role as required.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Error in Calculation of Net Pay

Are you getting error at the time of retro amount calculation in payslip?
Error in Calculation of Net Pay

Before changing the employee salary of the month follow the below steps for not to get negative amount which is wrong.

  • Execute Statement of Remuneration for the existing month, using Print retroactive runs as X Option.
  • After generating the statement of remuneration, you will get the retro effect of previous months there. This will be useful for comparison of different periods.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

SAP Provides Cloud Option for the Business Suite too

Users should continue to reflect the Business Suite as a rental solution from SAP. The new cloud - based forms offer their own in-memory database platform HANA. Details such as the pricing yet let the software giant, however, open.
SAP ongoing restructuring of its software portfolio in the direction of cloud computing moving forward. After the German software giant already has its in-memory database for rental from the IT cloud offering with the HANA platform, now followed by other application packages. User could in future also SAPs most important business software solution "SAP Business Suite ", order and use on the basis of Hana Enterprise Cloud in a subscription model, according to an official communication from Walldorf.

"This is a significant step in the transformation SAPs," said SAP's board member and technology chief Vishal Sikka’s latest initiative. The new offering underscores the cloud commitment of Germany's largest software maker. Sikka also announced, with a global network of its own data centers and additional migration services for its clients to accelerate its cloud plans. The manager promised the users more choice in relation to the compilation of business applications as well as a significantly simplified operation of the business software landscape.
SAP Provides Cloud Option for the Business Suite too

SAP cloud offer details remain open

Apart from the mere announcement of the latest SAP foray to date remains, however, not very concrete. The "SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud" offers future applications such as the "SAP Business Suite", the “SAP Business Warehouse" and the "SAP HANA Platform" in a subscription model, according to the announcement SAPs. The software will operate safely in the regional SAP data centers around the world. Users could here let their business-critical applications running in a private managed cloud environment. Further details, such as dependencies between certain modules or release conditions of cloud -powered software components as well as for Pricing remained the SAP responsible or guilty.

But just the financial details should the user companies particularly interested. Because the transition to the cloud does not necessarily mean that the software is operating effectively. SAP had recently announced the pricing for its cloud-based HANA platform known - and has it well within himself. Including computing infrastructure and HANA database will be due depending on additional options between about 4,600 and $ 87,700 per month. While there are opportunities for SAP customers to transfer existing licenses to the cloud and to take individual software components that will be in the future based in the cloud, from the on-premise maintenance? The extent to which the customer benefits from the fact, however, is likely to depend in large parts on the individual negotiation skills.

Customizing can cause problems in cloud migration

In addition, several questions remain open. Thus we read in the recent SAP announcement that existing maintenance contracts possess also migrated to the cloud applications continue to be valid. As a rental model fits with maintenance fees that SAP Manager will still have to explain in detail. It remains to also consider, entire customer installations transfer into the IT cloud easily. SAP itself says that there could be some limitations, especially in connection with the customer-or product-specific configurations at one point or another.

To pave the way for customers to cloud, SAP plans to offer additional services. The in-house service department will offer special cloud transformation services to convert existing SAP applications into the SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud. The leg also consider the integration of on-premise software or other SAP cloud solutions such as the acquired Success Factors Human Resources applications (HR ) and also purchased cloud-based procurement platform, Ariba. More than 15,000 specialists stood According to SAP ready to assist customers in their cloud plans.

The software manufacturer builds for its cloud strategy also its data centers continue. Worldwide there are currently 16 facilities, so those responsible from Walldorf. It was not until the beginning of April they had taken for the Asia-Pacific region, the first two data centers in Tokyo and Osaka in operation. All SAP data centers were working with in-memory technology and high -end servers to ensure the high standards of business critical workloads. With data centers globally distributed SAP plans for its customers, whilst also ensuring that regional and national rules for compliance are met.

SAPs path to the cloud remains stony

With his announcement, now offer the business suite for rental, SAP underlines although its cloud ambitions. However, there remains a long way. It is clear that customers want cloud-based on-demand software, said Steve Lucas, president of platform solutions from SAP. It will, however, take until the change had taken place over a wide area in the market. Many users are still skeptical to outsource mission-critical applications and data to the cloud. According to a survey of the German-speaking SAP User Group (DSAG ), only three percent of the 400 surveyed IT managers want to make this year IT funds for SAP's cloud offerings loosely. In addition was observed that SAP offers are not necessarily set when users interested in cloud solutions found DSAG CEO Marco Lenck. Users of SAP's on-premise software analyzed their requirements in detail and then analyzed the products that fit their landscape - with different software and cloud providers.

Also for SAP itself is the shift to the cloud is anything but simple. It is the major software vendors such as Microsoft, Oracle and SAP have a hard time to solve their dependence on traditional licensing maintenance business with which they have earned over the past decades a lot of money. The provider must be satisfied with much lower margins in the cloud business. This is about operational efficiency and mass. And also the flagship company of the IT cloud does not always simple. Cloud pioneer, which with its CRM solutions in recent years, although got off to a rapid revenue growth, writes today in the red.

However, the SAP as well as the other software grandees will remain no choice but to continue ride on the cloud train - also because the traditional business with on- premise software is proving increasingly difficult in the saturated markets of Western economies, and companies to become more responsive, especially in the rapidly developing markets in Brazil, China and India in the direction of cloud offerings - but want to invest little money.

Ambitious goals with cloud solutions

The SAP executives pursue nonetheless ambitious goals. Already next year they intend to implement two billion euros with cloud offerings - that would be ten percent of the targeted 2015 total sales of 20 billion euros. In return, the software specialists from Baden, however, would have to increase significantly. Last year, SAP reportedly stood over 700 million euros in cloud revenue impact. This would require almost a tripling of cloud revenue in order to achieve the self- designated benchmark until next year.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

What is the meaning of “Trans” in FF67?

While you are using the command FF67, you will be able to see “Trans” in the second screen, which named the column as “Trans”.

“Trans” is a Transaction.

What is the meaning of “Trans” in FF67

When you create a collection receipting transaction which was paid by the customer and when you made the payment transaction to your vendor, then the entry will be shown here. Those transactions are assigned here at Bank Reconciliation which identifies as payment or receipt. Based on this system, we will be able to identify whether it is a incoming bank receipt transaction or outgoing bank payment transaction. Then you will put together the posting in your main bank account.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

How to create read only custom attribute in Entity

Using MSCRM WebUI you can create attribute.

How to create read only custom attribute in Entity
  • Settings
  • Customization
  • Customize Entities
  • Account
  • Attributes
  • New
  • New custom attribute Name - new_userid
  • Publish the customization

For not to modify the attributes by any CRM users and make it as a read only you have to follow the below steps.

  • Go to Change properties
  • Select the check box “Disable on the form”
  • That’s it.

Now you have created read only custom attribute in Entity.